Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)

A -r- i 1 1 --Z xr 1 r-j 1 i f'j ii V.v i 1 y. i i i 1 i. A'1 1 7 W1 i-i-J-- t- 1 I i -y A r-r- -r I v---' -I-', it r' i -i jV- i I-- -I 1 VI 1 I I i 'Zrx-n THE- SUNDAY SCHOOL DAVIS IS DISPLEASED THE COURIER IKE DEADLY DUEL v. WMKLT. BBUNIKO, NEBRASKA NEBRASKA NOTES.

o' Li iV I 5 5,. vr -4 ThiiapdlMnderh atUif srain. I Thm XJoaola 'dtp library, la nearly A choral aociety baa been orfanlaeA i lnNebraaka Qty. i Secrietaiy rf The yraad lodfe held forth at Kearney lad week. -'J!) The aUke uaiwalty football deven hare loot their lore.1 for aix-feet-two vV'i-l-Swedea.

i. Sontb Omaha aatboritiea bara been nryad from all aidea to erect a brick 'c1 -v -v1 7 The (hty 1'aanioy and Manufacture lay company' of Omaba baa been in T' The mayor of SotiUiVOmaha baa de eems to be concentrated in Lydla E. PfnkliHmn Compound, I 'suffered 'for 'five yean with profuse 'and juunful menstruation until I lost flesh and strength, and iife had nocharms for pnly threB bottjcg'of your yegetable Compountl cured me, IjrVJiCf became regular, without any punsand hardly know' when' am i -f i'Some of jny friends who have used your Compound for' uterine it tv j-t- ftw- 5. Ifi- and hvanan troidiles all have tne same good wind to say fw1 it; ndJ i- blesgthe daytheyfirst jtoimd XCate' -s- S. SV fS.

.1 i 5 rv need of a dty phyalelan la eon a and atepardU he taken to provide ''fit. i 1 y.John M. TanUer'rof South' Omahd VC-; iU tart the" Daily Habraaka Damo- FORFEIT IF THE ABOTS UETTERTN NOT tWlwn women aim troubled weakseag, leuoorThcBa. dtoplaoement or ulceration bf the f.y- f- womb, flint bearingnwm foeliny Inflammathwi of the rorarton, s. a Vi erat to fill a long-felt Eider 'Van Jilaet and, wife ot No I braaha City will ebon.

leave- for their Vf-" ne La Booth America. K'Another attempt to eatafcllah leather tanning induatry at Qmahd la bdng made with gome ahow of auooeaa. South Omaha la planning waya and iF meana to aid in the. building of an Ah V- .,7 ten Ordbrof traltedvWorknfi tan blonting (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nerroui pwg- tntioiLor nre beset with such gymptoma aa dizziness, faintness, excitability', irritability, nervouanesa, gleepleagnegg. all rote aim want-to-be-left-lone Tfeeling.

ud honelManesa. wweeenu essngMHMVij TVMOllPEBe OIHPEEP MIR- gens, and want-to-be-left-alonp feelings, and: they should' remember then id one tried and true remedy. Lydlo EL FInkbnms Tegetnble Oompouad at onoa romoves such It ELm Ak. xt. x.

Rcfuae any other uiedidne, for you need the beet, 's, v- M- rw.x ttf vV-'-i: trV' 1 Hra Flakbim invites nil sick women te writb'ker far i bo has guided thoosnnds to kealfh. Address Lynn iikfeA, NebradtaMlilumld ba careful aato -where and how-tbey hun andahould it a' Ai 1 J-i keep a aharp lookout for ghmr bbIMiI Com puny i'of Friend, with mi anthorlaed capital atoob of baa Sled arti eleaof tjTwo weary wllltea etole a borae ud fuggy belonging, to Buchanan Broa. of and majle lieir The dg waaralued.atS180iUV'--.yV Plana fw the reoopatructlon of tha treat wing of tb Norfolk aaylnm will aubmitted io- th'e board of public laada and buldinga Tho Plattanmutli''tN)wer and Irriga. tlon Canal Company haa been formally W. fVy 49 if.

ir ft Not Bad for Good v-t-- ir-Tr' i -a tStf- 1-1 s. i 1,... 3. 'f I Bwwrioal Umriri Ue. Urfs UamMiari PswriafW- ri Uwriri tie.

Utjle UgsiSMtii LESSON V-OOT. 27, GEN. 4S: 1-15 JOSEPHS BROTHERS. 1 VeS Overesme ml Ohimsw DvII with geo Dei llilWawpk Baku Himself Kaewa HIs Brathets. ,1 pupil esaiwt under-tand.

this lesson unless be hava clearly In mind tha intervening events. The teacher map ha very helpful to the. pupil by presenting an outline of these events In a concise form, somewhat as follows: -1 After tha exaltation of Joseph (as last lemon), the seven years of plenty, which be had foretold, gave place te rears ef fsmlna, of which two hava now passed. The famine extended te Canaan, end Jacob cent ten of hia song Egypt te buy treated them roughly. Imprisoned' tbam aa'aple and than holding Simeon ne hostage released ethers on condition that they would come back, and bring Benjamin with them.

They returned to not only with Plenty of eorn for preeent needs, but alee with the money which they. had paid for It, which Joseph had caused te be put beck Into their eneki Jacob, however, refused te allow. Benjamin to go down late -Egypt, and tho matter, waa allowed to rest nnttr tho famine, became so bon bt tho land that he was obliged to send hie eons again Into Egypt to buy mors Mueh against Iris wishes, but eom Palled by tha neoaaalllaa of the esse, he sent Ala sons away, on their errand, and Benjamin with them. f. Ob their "arrival jJoteph entertains hie brothers at -a feast, and -then commands that they ho given the corn they end.

that every mans money he put Into his HOreover, hla own silver, eup is put Into Benjamins Then, after' the depasture of hie Joseph ends hie steward to bring them hack, pn the pretense that they have stolen his silver eup, -which- le-of especial value A earoh being made, the eup la found fat Benjamin's each. 1 Joaeph declare! that the man In whom each the cup to found hall he hie servant. Judah, wishing to fulfill his promise to hfat father that. Benjamin shall return- makes an eloquent- and plea that- Jacobs gray balm may npf be brought -down In-sorrow to tho gray through the' lorn of! hie youngest and urge Joseph to perarit Mm to 'remain W-a-stava In that Mace ef Benjamin, At thin point our 7-, (takes f-. Himself Known: to Hie Vs l-ii.

when Judah makes his hdbia and nnaelflah plea that babe kept as bondsman, so that Benjamin mey return te hie old father (Gen. tiri touchod vwaa VJoeeph' by thia -plea that ha could not refrain him-, elf. J. 'ti' keep himself from manifesting Ms lovs for his brothars befora all them that stood -for hint," the offlctals and the members of hia houaahold, "and he cried, Causa every- man to go -out from me," For two reasons; -(1) Delicacy forbids the presence of strangers at title unrestrained outburst of tender. -emotion the brothers, Besides (X), the -workings of conac lance- bringing, up the.

recollections of the pest, and tho errors, to wtriqb soma reference la now unavoidable, are not to te 'unveiled the public eye. Mnrphy. "Thefe ere some perpona who rather love have- witneaaes of thefe various feel 1. The ings, and fee), no amtaeftf shame they have given to anything emotional befora othera By these means feelings week and fritted aaray. Robartaon.

And tharo stood no. matt with him. while Joseph made himself known." "It area a transaction so tender end sacred that the presence of an observer could not but te re-lirdod aa a profanation, a mutual outpouring of heart which, beside God, who knows el thing ne one ought to hear, and Indeed no on was capable of understanding." Delltsach. II. Joaeph fihows How God Brings Good Out of Evil.

Vs. 5-1 5. Bo not grieved, nor angry with yourselves." How tho nobleness of Joaeph stands out as he corn-forte hie brethren. -''I can- forglva, but haver forget" le as far a many Christiana of today can go In regard to an How small Is such: a position as wo stand beside this Hebrew', who not only could forget, but could strive to the wrongdoers forget I. It le harder, to forgive ourselves than to forgive ether But in.

whan one wholly forgiven, should be aceptad as forgiven, and we should have itch trust In the love of him, who forgives that wa -shall npt waste, our strength and Joy In vain and bitter regrets. the deed past. bury Ita dead." God did send mo before you to pre-Ufa1' God. thalr evil to accomplish hie He did not need their evil Hi. Joseph Benda for-Ills Father, to Come Into Egypt-Vi9-lt.

9, fllaete ye. For two reasons: (l) the aqrrow Jaoob has been continued long enough. CD Joseph's love for his father had been restrained Jong enough. God. hath made Hotlce -Joaeph' a recognition of the.

hand of God In Me elevaflon. Pharaoh had wniy teen the agent of tha Lord. Lord of Kit Egypt" This will not only be welcome news to Israel, but will explain why Joseph, doas-not-go to' hie father, Instead of Baking hia fothef to to hlm-wny J. Beecher, D. D.

"Tarry not." -Think- of the twenty-tsro ysaro. of lt.Ttiou afialt :ddeil.ln thsland of Goshen." "It. probably an district-hut pastures 1 and belonged la very loose, way to Elllcott It was known aa tho "Land of Kamesea." B. Pools (Bmlth'a orthri Goshen) concludes that the lend of lay between the eaatent pert of tho ancient Delta and the western border of Palestine; that it. wee acaroely a part of Egypt wae Inhabited by other fugitives beside the Israelite and wee la Its gnographioSl naraa rather Bemltle than Egyptian; that It waa a pasture land especially suited to a shepherd people, and sufficient for tho Israelites, who ware prospered, and were separate from tho main body of tho Egyptian' But -It Is doubtful whether Joseph meant the ta bs- permanent.

ll Indicates that he ante content to take jpne tep at 'r time end had "hot determined that should settle In Egypt, but only- that they should remain till the famine wee over." Dod IV. Joseph Shows Hie Love for Hia Brothxeib 14,11. Joseph folia upon Benjamin's neck and weep not for sor but in tbo fullness of Joy. Benjamin and hia brothers weep with Joseph, land the Madge ot fU forgiveness le given when Joseph' kisses hie brothers and is accepted os -they- talk together. The past la not only forgotten, but burled out of eight 0 MeS a Orild Fiwdlgy In' hto recently publlihed biography ot Eleonora Duse, Luigi Real notes that although aha began her theatrical career at the age of four, aho waa not child prodigy and did not attract attention aa a "promising ac trees till bo waa twenty.

Her father waa an obscure actor, and tha family waa eo poor that once, when Eleonoras mother waa lying in hospital, tho hungry child need to go then dally to eat tho food which her mother was too 111 to take hniaeU. Kemeves Bssulse of Bee HubuS miSBSMtS. Mrs. Cushman K. 'Davis, widow of the late Senator Davie of Bt.

Paul, left Washington, where she will hereafter, niake her home. Previous to her departure she had had the body of her late husband disinterred, and will take it to Wash, ington for burial in the national eema tery. The fact that the senator's body waa to he removed from the state which had honored hint in life wae not known until recently end haa earned considerable comment. It: had been proposed to ereot leum la oae of the city parks, wherein1 the' body might be entombed sad i measure looking to this- end was eon eldcred by the last state legislature However, no actlou had been taken ind it ia said that Mrs Davis, becoming displeased with (he delay, determined to remove the remains to Wash ington for i SUIT HAPPILY ENDED; VimA VMf ftiktr Klsikalla Kab, WceeeClage Diff4. Beuslted sii A Kimballi dispatch uya: The auiet important ease on the docket Ot this term of Afotrtet court was tbs' dS-' vorea case of Baker vs.

In thls ease Mrs. Baker sued for divorce and her husband filud a- cross petition eel tinjg forth the nnfoithfulneak of wife, and naming as eo-reapondent one Wllllun Wallace, formed resideul of the, Developments before tbe case came to trial resulted in the reunion of the husband and wife, inasmuch aa William J. Wallace waa proved to be a woman who masqueraded for a period of five years la male attire. The'- community rejoices i over thq happy termination of- what hid fair to a A 4 a. amA Ai as aa j.

be a bitter and sensational case. A''. KILLS? GIRL TsrkUk Waiter AND.HIM8ELF KsseiSrsI Waa murdered 'jit. Ban? Franetoqo as she slept in her bed at, the home -of her parents, by John Btano, aged twen. ty-two years, who then placed the.

revolver to hia own head and. ended hie ev I life. -n Btancy who was a native df Smyrna, Turkey, a waiter by wm formerly employed on thc United State transport Meade, He wsi infatuated with the Mayer': who was only a child. To CanegteFenwee. A special to the Knoxvillc, Sentinel from Johnson City eaysf Carnegie toon furnace and plant at thia point la about' to'be secured.

by the Uranberfy liut and Coal company. This company expects to make many, necessary repairs and put the- furnace' into active operation st-an early date t' Cl lj Ol-UiUlkirt Judge Kohlsaat of the United Staten court in Chicago, haa modified his injunction, order. against the striking members of the interactional aasoein tlon of machinists so that Inflnemdnfc workmen by mot-al suasion in perinit- ted. 1 ft (V Battleship Fristus Swift. 1 A Boatod dlspatoh says! Ruialji's latest American-built battleship Bet-, vtoan was put through her paces a ten-mile measured course off the Isle of Shoato, find1 Under natural draught attained a speed -over a twenty-mUel oonrse, aoeovdlng to her bnlldwu, 13.01 knots per hour, one one-bundreth of a knot over her contract speed.

-r. We will tend. by maU, eolutely free, a copy of anew and pop-j ular waits. All aak yon to do in return to to tend nfe the name and dveea of one or -more: possible pldno buyers Is your locality. The free sheet" tamale will be sen( yod by "addroaslng Rosa P.

Curtice 300 South Eleveuth street, Llnooln, r. the Mew eed Old Weride Jfc Ambassador Choate has returned to. the United States for short The jroverament wlllhafono offldal representativa at the execution of Owl goes. Secretary Hay say It la not con sidered expedient The Great. Wratera type foundry and the W.

I Mey wholesale grocery house at. Omaha were destroyed by fire The total loas.will foot up Tmtoat dtopatches report the outlook hopeful for the rescue of Mias Stone, the American missionary held captive by-Bnlgsrisn bssdtWr-1-. Tha Ohio republiesm opened their state campaign in Delaware, October 19, with a largely attetaded meeting, at which Senatoaa Foraker and- Hapaa. spoke. i i The period of official mourning for the late president ended at midnight on the 1 Ith and all.flegs that half-1 masted have been raised to the top of their staff t-' The furniture store of fC Baumann A New York," bnrned.

JioM, General James M. Walker, member from the Ninth Virginia district and distinguished general in the confederate army, who At one time commanded Stonewall Jacksons old brigade, died In Wytheville, Ve. 1 Announcement has been made of the appointment of J. W. Henninger tU Jacksonville, 111., to be superintendent of the Western Illinois Normal, to be located at Masonburg, Ilk The ap pointmenVis effective June 1, 1003.

Atafietonsor bynwiL Sample of the Liquid for the postage, yi. Family FaudatWaco, Taxaa, Re suits In Two Daaths. FATHER AND SOX SLAIN BY RELATIVE i i it -1 Begage-la right te a aleM aaC Oae Dees the ahMUsr Barked Uf UTIs atewMa rartlas An teekedbg Other Dews. -1 A October. S3 dispatch aysr One of the- fleraeaC street duels eveffongbt in this section since the famous Braan-Davia tragedy occurred shortly after 1.

o'clock yesterday on Austin avenue, the busiest thorongb-fare in tbs The prinoipals in the tngcdy wsre cx-flheriff H. T. Harris and his son. TM Harris, on the one aide, Dr. U.

Lovelace 'and bis, atep-n, -T. 'Reynold on the other, It to believed had feeling haa existed between the men for soma time' over fondly affaire and trouble hue bed ex peeted'aa -vVV The pertlee met by chance' in'- the Turf saloon, and young Harris, it la opened Are with a shotgun on Lovelanee over bia (Garris') fathers shoulder, but without effect; Into lance Immediately returned the Are with a revolver, killing young Harris almost instantly, Ijoyelance then turned hie resolver an the elder Harris, who likewise wse killed. Lovelanee and Rernolds ware both uninjured. They immediately gave thrinselves np and ware taken to (he eonnty jail and were Ibcked i up to await tho action ot the. grand Jury which to Ms 4f.

Thnripdpalsy Wlated in emne degree by -iV v-V: -Vii FAMOUS DETECTIVE KILLED i A -s; Calvin D. Crlss Uwt rlvkparkat He n-i v- -j yAwytsfo v. At Cincinnati, Calvin i). Crim, a detebtive, was fatally -shot by, John Foley. Crim i-WMonntarod Foley on the strut aud reeoguiilng him as a recently released eonvict, who was wanted for picking, pocketa at; funerals, placed him under arrest.

suddenly Fdtoy drew a revolver and tired, sending, a bullet through Crim's body. Two otber policemen banght' Foley. Foley it also known jfa-Jton DrtoccU and aa The Crim ywaa the leading detectiya ia tha, famous Furl Bryan mnrder caae" Tat March ha erved aa personal guard for President McKinley at the lnauguratlon. MANY MEN REMAINING IDLE 4K. i trlkf ftkf llifrvWBrki IUvla ft Tho effects of the strike at the Bing er sewing machine works, becoming apparent.

The atiikere number 400, but there? urn throe times that, number idle, because then an no'! machines 'for, them to work on. Over .300 additional young women hava Just been told off on this The. Singer company. has servpd notice ofl the strikers on lessthey aeeept -individually at one and ask to1 be taken beck -they will never be allowed to return to work at the factory I FIELDS IN PATH OF FLAME rkNWlO Sf TsM of JieartlaOi lb; Baralsg A A La Crosse, October 83 dispatch says: A. Are was discovered In the hay lands which surrounds this dty.

Thotflamee am now-burning everything before them and the firemen are powerless, owing to the being outddw the city- limit and be-Ond water service. --7 It to believed the Are wae started by tribnpe. Upon these lands are stacked thonaands of tons of bay, all directly ia the path" of the Although the lorn cannot he estimated at present it la thought it will be enormous. Hetelst HsirlaM Baras. The Commercial hotel owned by W.

A 'Wright, destroyed by fire Saturday October 19. Only by hard work waa the rest of the (own saved. 1 The Are waa eanaed by the explosion of lamp. The owner had noinsuresce, as he was building sh' addition and Intended to wait until that waa finished before in- curing. Hn is left without dollar.

The cillaene of the town and county intend to raise a fund for hia benefit. rnsTtag Msslai A dlqpateh from Kpringvlew, aye: living near a widower eight months, with five little children, the eldest of which is a girl- of seven -was brought in and taken in the county insane commission. The low of his wife and the cure little one seems to be too much for him to bear and he to now a raving 1 fleet Ohseeee letlm. At Springfield, Rev. G.

W. Olm-tead, pastor of the Methodist church at Tower Bill, pleaded guilty la the federal court to aendlng a number of obeeene letters through the mails to both men and women. He wae sentenced to two years' in the penitentiary. James D. Wood, who drew the capital prise in the Lawton land district at the El Reno lottery jut August and settled a claim' valued at nearly la dead of typhoid fever.

't VAIX Rucnu NtwYMke i fi '-it tyv S. 1 If. gaiSHOESSfif ffii ii bjmmr mi mmi nm IwItlM BrWr ISfonwSIlwri VjLlaihiBs JtfaaHr luBilMwIhL tjxwaai gut ism BMm OaaSMX Sasahnw kca aaoukiwurieKitM WJT yettwNeSffimsMisgto XjrrlS wri. W. twSaei laSnwlSIlUtl i V- incorporated at Plattamouth wlthr a eapltaliaatton of ''4 yf ItTh WhWhhIaa bean pending for i1 eererd yearaagainat the LinoolnOoop arage company, brought by tho eta to, yy haa been oompromtaqd put Qua Marquart of-Wymora hi Prof.

prindpal of tho Wymora 7 aehoola, arreated on tho charge of lag unmereifuUy whipped bia yThefirat bnlldlng naed aa a houae In 8ootta Bluff county ia now being moyed from Oering, the preeent county aeat, to. Seotta -Bluff, tbe new town on the Gnernaey line of tbo ft The Lincoln Tent and Awning Com -f pany haa fled aHlclea of Incorporation V'AVyyywlth the eeeretary of. atato. Tha eom-VVV'i'ypeny haa taken in new atockholdera and now haa'-. aa anthorlaed -capital Vy 6 At a reeeutmeeUng the' board pf educational lanoa andhulldingaaraered 1 aV achool lauda la the etateaot now In Vute aPPruied that, (hey might be Jeaaed.vThia ia done to; indreaee the iajvmue fromthle V- iy i-T.

Cbfla of Genoa' haa prMebtied a V1 valuable oolleotlon of Indian eurioal- -VyV ybleatO; the ateto htotovieel society. Fhey trill form a valuable addition to fthe mnaenm of the'- f'-The eob leetknrli worthatlaaat 9100. d-a 'ff i0overMvuvaghM iMned a nqni-' Vy alUoa op the' governor of Teaoia fov.the -vMM-Hmtnrn'-vofNoel Martin- Nemaha V. i bounty where he to wanted to answer to the eharge of larceny of the peraon. The erima of Which he ia' charged waa committed in 1NL chief of the bureau of 1 induatry-, haa toaned a atatemeat ahOw ahlpmenb meats from South Omaha for the aix montha --jug September 30, to Iranoe, England, and other" eountriea, aggro-' -V- igate 11,337,813 Eatimating 83,000 pounda to a ear' thia would All 1,953 cars, making a train ninety-four if inilea loug.

-v esii frr-, 1 iWorli; on' the- immense pipe of the Culbertson Irrigation and Water Canal company waa emnpleted and ita service recently begun under satisfactory 7 r. Cilm Tin w.r Having Htohlgon large number' of Michigan gaw are being moVed to Canada aa nr '-result ot the legislation pf the Ontario, requiring that all loga eut tlmber laada leased from the are to be maaufaetured within llmlta of the province. V- YOU INTEKESTEB IN (ievnatedwltheul A UTTLE HONEY yemuMt eeah Ineew btgxiir every week wbole years lwol iatermt upon the If ee, eead your awne eod edi Ne SpetaUUew er GeinMag Scheme lrylMnsto bule. rimMleMiefeceneee part of the Uaitod Btoies. B.

J. AxneM Bsaets BuUdlag, fit- UHAT ISA SUC5EW iririsuf THI9 TRIER MARK tap oilcg'coat Hiimwoiujb nm rwsum MTmawSbrmmm OIVER CO.ifll3TDN.MAS5 anowaw A.J.TWER Successfully i treats all curable diseases tnd Injuries of the 1 If) tom EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT BLINDNESS, DWflES? iM CATARRH. CMttagtowieiiaiaamaieeeaMBoiaaniif led. Patients board nursed aod Wealed. Lsttere af inquiry promptly Haweiwd.

Write tor ennouneemmt. DRA.OARTEN ft COOK, 1 I Bax Ybca OH If W.moHKtl wukiigMi, kti ciglmm fettffNim A mill of oa erament the ARE RAVINS a thus fowatl. but I say A cum. i bail W. nDODQVMEW Mscavgar, rvw Vlawr I ealckNilafMdcwMvant Bek of tuitwli ue Iwlanl am.

n. mibkxu ywdeef ytuTurtu law a I mhuriyUan to Amk XMun" fr ia gar Miner Burry, raMUbua, conditions and with aatlafactory re-. anlta. The pipe to a valuable addition i to the irrigation -equipment of 1 the state and a much needed Improvement I in the Culbertson system. It will take the place of a flume that wta coatin dually out of repair.

lt is forty-eight in diameter, l.Ofidfeet in length and at the highest point Weighty feet from the An independent telephone company Visas been organised at. Aurora which have at Aurora and Bromfield, and anpply the farmera with 'Phonea. George 'Thompson, 'a laborer, fell a flight of stairs from the third to the second floor In tho Ivy lodging house, ISIS Douglas street, Omaha, and died from injuries received. 1 Clark Redick, a son of John J. Red ick, of Omaha, one of the wealthiest land owners in the state, who recently snored to Omaha from Kearney, com-.

mitted suicide by taking laudanum. unsouc 1 XXdiwt Mu.X.e. WANTED printer. Boxn Wltuxna HS. Limit, Neb.

X. LIXCOLS Jfo. 43 10S1. Aasvtrlag Aifertleewat Madly Mcatica Thia riper. Eyi Witor ed -m A.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.