Minecraft Netherite tools and weapons crafting explained (2024)

Minecraft Netherite tools and weapons crafting explained (1)

Minecraft Netherite tools are arguably the best tools in Minecraft you can get, with the Netherite weapons, gear and tools you build being far tougher and more durable than practically any other variant you can find in Minecraft. Introduced as part of the (now distant), Minecraft Nether update, Netherite tools will last even longer than their diamond counterparts - but they're proportionally as difficult to get your cubic paws on. Nonetheless, we'll show you below the easiest methods for how to craft Netherite tools and weapons to make your own, whether an indestructible pickaxe or an unstoppable sword.

How to craft Netherite tools and weapons in Minecraft

Minecraft Netherite tools and weapons crafting explained (2)

(Image: © Mojang)

To craft Netherite tools and weapons in Minecraft is a fairly simple process, broken up into the following stages:

1. Build a Diamond version of the Netherite tool/weapon you want (so if you want a Netherite Pickaxe, make a Diamond one)

2. Craft a Smithing Table (two Iron Ingots at the top of a 3x3 crafting grid, with four wooden planks below them, taking up a 2x3 space in total). Alternatively, take one from a village.

3. Place a Netherite Ingot and the Diamond Tool in question in the Smithing Table, as shown above.

4. This provides you with a Netherite tool. Considering that this is an "upgrade" to the existing tool rather than a fresh creation, it keeps existing enchantments as well as any lost durability.

This is the first time Minecraft has introduced an upgrade system rather than having to craft an entirely new item. Perhaps the most interesting thing about Netherite is that it floats when in lava, which means that you can't accidentally throw it away or lose it when you die to the fiery pits of hell. As long as you pick it up within the five minute timeframe, you'll be able to rescue all your Netherite items.

Netherite uses and crafting

Alongside tools and armor, Netherite can also be used for two other things. The first is to power beacons. Simply insert a Netherite ingot in the same way you would any other power source and it will work. The issue here is that since Netherite ingots are such a pain to obtain, this isn't an effective use when you can use a stack of Iron ingots instead.

Of course, you can also combine nine Netherite ingots together to make a Netherite block. This is solely a decorative item to show off the fact you have more Netherite than you need, to flex your wealth on any visitors you may have.

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Minecraft Netherite tools and weapons crafting explained (3)

Ford James

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Minecraft Netherite tools and weapons crafting explained (2024)


How to make netherite pickaxe 1.20 bedrock? ›

In the Upgrade menu, place 1 smithing template in the first box, 1 diamond pickaxe in the second box, and 1 netherite ingot in the third box. This is the Minecraft crafting recipe for a netherite pickaxe. Once you have placed the items, the netherite pickaxe will appear in the result box.

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The Netherite pickaxe is the best pickaxe in the game, as to be expected with anything on the Netherite tier. Even with the constant mining throughout the Nether required to get Netherite, this upgraded pickaxe is the perfect choice for the first Netherite tool.

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To make Netherite Armor and tools, you need to upgrade Diamond Armor and tools in a Smithing Table. You can't create Netherite equipment in the same way as you can with other materials.

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How to craft Netherite tools and weapons in Minecraft
  1. Build a Diamond version of the Netherite tool/weapon you want (so if you want a Netherite Pickaxe, make a Diamond one)
  2. Craft a Smithing Table (two Iron Ingots at the top of a 3x3 crafting grid, with four wooden planks below them, taking up a 2x3 space in total).
Jul 4, 2022

Can you turn Netherite tools into ingots? ›

This allows to recycle the Netherite similar to Iron and gold Tools, but still requires you to smelt 4 tools and get 4 Gold Ingots to have 1 N. Ingot back.

How many diamonds is one netherite ingot worth? ›

So to get a netherite block, you would need to mine about 18 chunks! In conclusion, 1 netherite scrap is worth about a half a diamond block, or about 5 diamonds. One netherite bar is worth 2 diamond blocks. And a netherite block is worth 18 diamond blocks.

How many diamonds do you need for a full set of netherite armor and tools? ›

It's 91 diamond needed for full Netherite gear and 116 for the armour with the trim. That's (24+11+56) = 91 diamonds in total needed for full neitherite gear. And to flex and add a trim you'll need 1 template and to get more you'd need (3×7) = 21 more diamonds for 4 in total and 4 diamonds to add to the trim.

Does cactus destroy netherite? ›

The netherite blocks are unbreakable, with explosion values situated at 7/8- the highest you can find within the game. Although generally indestructible, netherite in item form can be destroyed if it comes in contact with a cactus, just like any other item.

Should I enchant or netherite first? ›

Enchant your diamond tools first, then upgrade them to netherite, they will keep their enchantment. By the way, enchanting netherite costs more experience points.

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Netherite is a material from the Nether, used primarily to upgrade diamond gear. Netherite items are more powerful and durable than diamond, and in dropped-item form are resistant to burning by fire and lava.

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Ultimately, the actual finishing times for each pickaxe are: 1st – Netherite in 33.83 seconds (33.5 seconds expected time) 2nd – Diamond in 40.67 seconds (40.2 seconds expected time)

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Netherite upgrade smithing templates are required to upgrade diamond equipment with a netherite ingot. They are only found in bastion remnants, but are guaranteed only in treasure rooms.

How to get a smithing table? ›

Smithing tables now generate in the updated desert and taiga villages. Smithing tables can now be crafted with 4 planks and 2 iron ingots.

How to make netherite tools bedrock 2024? ›

Once you have enough ancient debris, you can smelt that into netherite scrap. and take the scraps and make yourself netherite ingots. Once you have enough ingots, you can make netherite tools, weapons, and armor.

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