What Leo season 2024 has in store for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer (2024)

Sparks! Passion! Warmth and vibrancy! Yes, Leo Season is here, and with it comes a chance to revolutionise your approach to confidence, romance, and how you show up as an unapologetic, creative individual.

Dust off that crown, because during Leo season you are being encouraged to roar your loudest and shine your brightest. After all, this is the only zodiac sign ruled by the Sun. In astrology, the Sun is the key to our identity. It shows our unique path, and who we are striving to become in this world.

During Leo Season, we are collectively encouraged to take the stage and promote our talents. Where do you dare to dazzle? How can you step into the spotlight and let your gifts be appreciated?

This is also a powerful reminder of how enriching it can be to reconnect with your inner child and rekindle a sense of gratitude and wonder for the world.

Mark your calendar: Leo season runs from July 22 until August 22

Aligning with our joy, happiness and passion not only gives us purpose and motivation, but it encourages us to share these good vibrations and makes us more compassionate humans all round.

Think of when you’ve been happiest. You want the same for those around you. You smile at strangers, help people out, share the love and generally want the world to be a better place.

The Sun is also a symbol of creativity, and Leo Season invites us to access our inner artist. This might be the drama queen in your who loves to perform, the writer who dreams of penning a novel, the painter who finds inner peace via their canvas, the singer who desires to share their gift with the world… this is a time to remember that creation is an act of divinity. It comes directly from our spirit. When we allow the artist in us the freedom to create, then we are making our mark on the world and holding a beautiful piece of ourselves out into the light.

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  • Leo season transition
  • Manifestation magic
  • New Moon
  • Mercury retrograde in Virgo
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Leo season transition

Allowing yourself to create and share your gifts with unbounded confidence isn’t easy. It requires some kind of vulnerability. That’s why it can be useful to look back on the past four weeks whilst the Sun was in Cancer.

A zodiac ‘season’ is the four weeks in which the Sun cruises through a particular constellation. In astrology, it helps to imagine the celestial bodies like characters in a play. The zodiac sign they are moving through act as ‘costumes’, and so the planets and luminaries take on a different ‘personality’ depending on the constellation they travel through.

Every zodiac season helps us to grow on our spiritual journey, and they are each in beautiful harmony with their predecessors to help us evolve.

We have just experienced Cancer season, where the Sun swam through the watery depths of emotion, helping to reveal where we hide in the comfort zone of our shell. Now we have assimilated these lessons, we are given the chance to bask in Leo Season.

Thanks to Cancer Season, we have a better understanding of the limits imposed by our comfort zone. We have noticed where we fear to leave our shells or where we skuttle sideways in avoidance.

Ask yourself: where did I fear being vulnerable and open over the past four weeks? Where did I challenge myself to leave my comfort zone, and how did it help me expand?

Now we have noticed where we fear to leave our shell, we use the Fire sign of Leo to help us identify what brings us a glowing sense of contentment and happiness. This helps us have the confidence and determination to make the necessary changes to set us on a path that ultimately leads to the reality we each dream of.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, connecting us to our intuition, our subconscious and our ‘inner world’. It is receptive, Yin energy. Leo is active, fiery Yang energy.

As we ease from one season to the next, we can see it as an opportunity to move from a space of ‘behind the scenes’ emotional deep diving, so we can now step onto the stage of life where we showcase our talents.

What passions do you want to spend time on? How are you going to purposefully activate joy in your life?

Manifestation magic

We will also welcome a powerful opportunity for manifestation as we enter the Lion’s Gate Portal, with lasts from July 28th until August 12th and peaks on the auspicious date 8th of August (08/08). This cosmic vortex is created when Sirius, the second largest star in our galaxy, is closest to the Earth, and aligns with our Sun. Sirius helps illuminate our spiritual aspirations and elevated karmic journey in this lifetime.

It is therefore believed that the alignment of these solar energies (the Sun, Sirius and Earth) causes a ‘portal’ or gateway to open, through which we receive ‘light codes’ and messages that give us the opportunity to reach a new awareness within ourselves.

8thAugust is known as the Galactic New Year, since this is the day the light codes are believed to be strongest. Think of a new year and the new resolutions we have. We have a desire to shed the old and embrace the new. This can be seen as a new year for our ‘spiritual consciousness’. On this day, be aware of flashes of inspiration or serendipitous occurrences – imagine this date heralds the chance for a ‘do-over’ and identify what fresh energy you want to attract into your life.

New Moon

On August 4th the night will be plunged into darkness as a New Moon in Leo graces the sky. This is when the Sun and Moon are directly together in the same constellation, and their energies are merged.

Over any New Moon we have the chance to align with the high vibrations of the constellation that the Sun and Moon share space in, whilst releasing the low vibrations.

For Leo, this includes pride. At some stage in each of our lives, our pride was wounded. This may have been in relationships, in a job, in a creative role, in a passion project - most likely all of them! - but at some point, things didn’t go exactly as we’d hoped, and our pride suffered. This makes us wary of trying things again, or opening ourselves up to others, or putting ourselves back on the ‘world stage’.

Over a Leo New Moon, we work on setting intentions that allow us to connect with our talents and our skills, to have the confidence in ourselves to dazzle. We can’t shine and shimmy if we’re constantly keeping ourselves in the shadows!

Mercury retrograde in Virgo

It’s also worth noting that on August 5th Mercury will station retrograde in the analytical, practical sign of Virgo. When any planet is retrograde it appears to travel backwards through the cosmos, and this is thought to cause chaos regarding the themes it rules. In the case of Mercury, this is linked to travel, communication and technology. So be sure to triple check bookings and tickets, back-up your computer and check your insurance, confirm all plans twice, and don’t jump to conclusions if you receive an ambiguous message or email – calmly ask for clarification!

Virgo is the constellation linked to planning, precision and perfectionism. Therefore, during Mercury Retrograde it is essential to notice where you are over-analysing situations or being too critical of yourself or others. Would it help to get perspective from another source? Are you telling yourself you’re waiting ‘for the right moment’ when you’re actually procrastinating? Retrogrades are all about introspection, so it may be useful to reassess your current plans and projects in case they need readjustment.

Horoscopes for Leo Season

Read for your Rising Sign and your Sun (Star) Sign.


During Leo Season, focus on how you can integrate more time for play, hobbies and fun into your life. This will help you discover what talents you’re here to share. If you’ve been meaning to sign up to a pottery class, get back into painting, try your hand at salsa dancing or pick up a musical instrument then this is the ideal period to do just this!

Connecting with your inner child whilst prioritising pleasure is incredibly powerful for you this season. This is also an important time to notice where you’ve been too rigid in your love life. Can you embrace the fun of flirtation, and the joy of romance? Just don’t confuse drama with passion – if someone is causing your heart rate to rise for all the wrong reasons then implement those boundaries. If a chance to promote your talents or engage in public speaking comes up then take a deep breath and say yes – this is a season for confidence, so even if you don’t feel it then fake it to make it!


Over Leo Season, focus on how your family and loved ones help you feel rooted and safe. You could be feeling more of a desire to spend time at home, hold intimate gatherings are parties for friends, or simply nest in your safe space. If you love to dazzle as a hostess then plan a little get together, and if you actually just want to retreat from the world a little bit then see this as your permission to say no summer functions and enjoy the sensation of grounding in your cocoon.

You might also use this season as chance to get creative in your home – redesigning, reupholstering and redecorating can bring out the artist in you! You might also want to spend some time looking into your family tree and your ancestorial heritage. Who knows if you might have inherited some intriguing talents that you want to investigate further?


Leo Season is a time to focus on how you can best use social media, the written word or your own voice to communicate your bright ideas. If you’ve been meaning to start a podcast, commit to your poetry collection or start a Substack, then there’s no better time! You have something to share with the world Gemini, so allow yourself to get curious and use your talents to impart your perspective.

This is also a useful period to consider what self-expression and authenticity mean to you. Can you become more involved in your community or neighbourhood? Look out for opportunities and invitations to take the spotlight and share in your local area, even if it feels nerve-wracking at first.


This Leo Season is a glorious time to focus on what makes you feel valuable to the world. When do you feel like you are contributing something of importance? What situations and people give you that zing of confidence to share your gifts, and how can you cultivate these things during the next few weeks?

This season also shines a light on your relationship with money. Can you get creative with your finances? Is there another source of income you’ve been considering, or can you take on more authority or somehow promote yourself in your career as a way of being recognised for your skills?

What Leo season 2024 has in store for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer (1)


It’s your season, Leo! Generally, you are most happy when people are applauding you and appreciating you, so don’t hold back over the next four weeks. Where are you going to take the leap and put yourself in the spotlight? Consider the values and gifts that are close to your heart. How would you like others to see you, and what mark do you want to make on the world? This is a time to engage with activities that make you feel like you’re connecting with your purpose.

Promote your talents and gifts even if this requires courage – do that Instagram Live, accept the public speaking role, go to karaoke with friends and sing at the top of your voice, get the haircut you’ve been dreaming of but nervous to commit to. Don't hold back from stepping into a 'new' version of yourself if it feels right.


Whilst everyone else jumps to fiery attention this season, you might be slightly more chilled, Virgo. These cool-as-a-cucumber vibes occur since it’s a season to focus on your healing, as well as taking some ‘time out’ to reconnect with your talents behind the scenes (not to mention Mercury retrograde in your sign can mean needing to return to a plan that didn’t work out first time, in order to apply some tinkering).

Embrace retreat, solitude and spiritual cleansing. What revelations about your own purpose arrive when you take yourself away from the crowd? How is your creativity lit up when your attention is purely absorbed in your personal transformation? Journal, dance and keep a dream diary for ultimate self-expression and self-exploration.


This is a season to get creative with the collective. How can you express yourself amongst others? What groups and networks could bring out the dazzling diamond in you, and what collections of people might allow you to expand your talents? Whether this is joining an ecstatic dance group, signing up to a co-working space where you can mingle and chat about artistic projects, or going to a festival where you can connect with like-minded people in your zone, then use Leo Season as chance to bond.

You might naturally want to spend more time with friends, after a few weeks where your career and ambitions were more of a focus. Share that warm-hearted Libra love with those closest to you and enjoy the process of rekindling your social life! Don’t be surprised if an opportunity to share your talents with the world at large comes up. What do you have to offer and how can you align this with your long-term goals? Notice where you are encouraged to be a rebel and have the courage to tread your own, unique path.


Over Leo Season, focus on where you find passion and joy in your career. How can you bring more enjoyment into your profession? Do you feel like the work you do is life-affirming and aligns with your true self? Think about what you dream your legacy will be, and what you'd like people to admire you for. Even if you’re in a job that doesn’t necessarily inspire you, use the next four weeks to get creative about how you can infuse your career trajectory with things that bring out your talents.

Look out for chances to take the lead or dazzle in your professional life, even if it requires bravery! If a chance to take on more responsibility, speak in public, or be more visible comes up, use that Scorpio resilience to bite the bullet and say yes! In fact, why not seek out ways you can prioritise pleasure, creativity and authority in your role? This can lead to an opportunity for further recognition and reward.


This Leo Season is the ideal chance to expand those horizons, Sagittarius – and we all know how much you love to do this! Where have you been feeling a call to explore recently? What adventures in life light you up? Is there anywhere you want to travel or anything you’d like to learn that will inspire you?

Over these four weeks you’re encouraged to book the trip, sign up to the course, join the workshop or simply take the road less travelled. Excitement awaits when you take a leap of faith! Join the gong bath, download the app to learn Portuguese, book the last-minute flight to a festival in Barcelona. You can then notice how engaging with these things helps you discover a new skill, or inspires you to be a teacher yourself. If a chance to lead or guide others arrives, don’t be afraid to take it. This season is also a chance to allow your spiritual journey to take the spotlight – look out for a mentor entering your life!


This is a season all about focusing on what gives you a connection to your inner power. You’ve just had a pretty intense month, what with two Full Moons in your sign, so the need to purge and release will already be strong! Now is a chance to assess the shadows that arose which have been hindering you from sharing your gifts with the world.

Are you ready to embrace courage and shed that past version of you, to really commit to a creative talent or a situation that brings you joy? This can also be linked with then helping other people on their own healing journey. Also, look out for the chance to merge your energies and talents with another person, or pursue a savvy investment or business opportunity. This can be a powerful time for collaborations, so if you’ve been looking to share your talents or take the stage but feel like there’s a missing piece to your puzzle, this coming four weeks might just reveal exactly what you need.


Over Leo Season, focus on what relationships in your life bring you joy. Who lights you up like a candle at Christmas? What about them brings you a sense of glowing love? Can you mirror this back to others? Think about how you'd like to show up as a partner and what your ideal counterpart would embody.

This is an ideal four weeks to prioritise your relationships. Recommit to a partner or spend more time together just enjoying life, especially if things have felt serious recently. If you’re single and looking to find love then embrace the fun of dating or go to activities which you enjoy and could potentially meet a similar mate. Also, how can you have the courage to take the lead and trust in your own authority? Look out for chances to take the helm and focus on loving yourself so you attract the love you desire.


This season is all about bringing more pleasure, joy and play into your everyday life, Pisces. What habits support a balance between work and fun? Where have you lost touch with that spiritually-inclined creator within, and how can you commit to making more time to let the artist in you run wild? Find a muse, take a break, book yourself a holiday or simply carve out a space of time in your hectic day to sit and read your favourite book as a way of igniting inspiration once more.

Get creative with how you can inject more passion into your routine, while also noticing how being of service to others can bring contentment and a sense of purpose. Look out for chances to rise to the occasion in your job, and also think about putting your health in the spotlight – if you’ve been thinking about starting a new exercise regime, getting a personal trainer or signing up for a marathon, this is a great time to just do it!.

What do your planets say about you?

What do your planets say about you?

What Leo season 2024 has in store for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer (2)


The planet of responsibilities has a life lesson for everyone... and it comes every 7 years.

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What Leo season 2024 has in store for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer (3)


It dictates how you express and respond to anger and frustration in your life.

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What Leo season 2024 has in store for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer (4)


It impacts how you show your desires, passions, and what you expect from a romantic relationship.

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What Leo season 2024 has in store for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer (5)


This planet determines your communication style and represents your thought process.

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What Leo season 2024 has in store for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer (6)


It defines the way you grow, see life, and attract luck and abundance.

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What Leo season 2024 has in store for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer (7)


Your Moon sign suggests what’s hidden in your personality - the true you.

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What Leo season 2024 has in store for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer (8)

Bex Milford


Bex Milford is a professional astrologer who spends half the year living on a sun-soaked tropical beach in Goa, and the other half exploring European cities. She’s a firm believer that Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows and her approach to self-developmental astrology aims to help women connect with their true source of power and purpose. When she’s not analysing the stars you can find her penning her debut novel from a sunny cafe, three iced coffees down, ready to dance off excess energy to EDM and deep-house. Find out more about her astrology offerings at https://www.instagram.com/cosmic_cures/

What Leo season 2024 has in store for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.